Browsing by Author "Egea, Angela Vanina"
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Diet mixing and condensed tannins help explain foraging preferences by Creole goats facing the physical and chemical diversity of native woody plants in the central Monte desert (Argentina).
Egea, Angela Vanina; Allegretti, Liliana Inés; Paez Lama, Sebastián Antonio; Grilli, Diego Javier; Fucili, Mercedes; Guevara, Juan Carlos; Villalba, Juan josé (Comité editorial Animal Feed Science and Technology, 2016-02-26)The aim of this study was to understand the benefit of diet mixing for Creole goats grazingnative forage species in the central Monte desert of Argentina and the drivers of preferencein the mixed diet. To achieve this goal, cafeteria-style experiments were conducted withthirty female Creole goats (2 years old; 44 ± 1.4 kg) and forage species that are typicallyingested by goats in this region: Two tanniniferous (Tricomaria usillo, Mimosa ephedroides)and three non-tanniniferous shrubs (Prosopis flexuosa, Capparis atamisquea, Atriplex lampa).In Experiment 1, goats were assigned to three groups (n ... -
Seasonal changes in feed intake, diet digestibility and diet composition by lactating and non-lactating goats browsing in a semi-arid rangeland of Argentina
Egea, Angela Vanina; Bakker, María Leontina; Allegretti, Liliana Inés; Paez, Sebastián Antonio; Grilli, Diego Javier; Guevara, Juan Carlos; Viillalba, Juan José (Comité editor Grass and Forage Science, 2018-10-01)We determined the seasonal nutrient and secondary compound intake, in vivo diet digestibility (DD) and diet species composition of goats in different physiological states in a desert rangeland of Argentina. During the wet and the dry seasons, 24 mature female Creole goats (six non-lactating, non-pregnant and six lactating in each season) were used in a 2 × 2 factorial design. Diet botanical composition, DD and dry-matter intake (DMI) were estimated by the combined use of visual observation, microhistological analyses of faecal samples and n-alkane technique. Browse species dominated the goats’ ... -
Utilización de nutrientes y comportamiento alimentario de cabras Criollas en respuesta a la manipulación de las experiencias dietarias tempranas con forrajeras nativas del desierto del Monte Central, Argentina
Egea, Angela Vanina; Allegretti, Liliana Inés; Gonzalez Bourgie, Julieta; Gaia, Augusto; Pereyra, Celia; Ruiz, María Soledad; Paez Lama, Sebastian; Guevara, Juan Carlos; Villalba, Juan (Editorial UMaza, 2017-10)La cría de cabras Criollas bajo sistemas de producción extensivos con pastoreo continuo es una de las principales actividades productivas del NE de Lavalle (Men-doza). Trabajos previos realizados por nuestro equipo de investigación en dicha región dan evidencia del dinamismo y plasticidad del comportamiento alimentario de las cabras frente a variaciones tanto de su medio interno como exter-no. Más recientemente, nuestros resultados indican que las cabras se benefician nutricionalmente a partir de la ingesta de una dieta compuesta por diversas partes y especies de plantas, aún cuando algunos ítems ...