Now showing items 1-20 of 27

    • Boletín N°37 - Observatorio de Salud UMaza - Tema central: COVID-19 

      Álvarez, Jorgelina; García, Carolina (2020-03)
      Este Boletín de Salud N°37 emanado del Observatorio de Salud de la Universidad Juan Agustín Maza tiene como objeto la difusión y divulgación de temas concernientes a la pandemia COPVID-19. Algunos temas que contiene son: Declaración de la OMS al brote epidémico de COVID-19, pandemia; Desinfodemia: la otra epidemia; Cinco claves para lidiar con las noticias falsas; Cronología de COVID_19 en Argentina; Evolución de casos en América Latina; Glosario de términos COVID-19; Tratamiento de pacientes con SARS-CoV-2 en cuidados críticos; Evidencia relevante para cuidados críticos; Listado de medicamentos ...
    • Boletín N°38 - Observatorio de Salud UMaza - Tema central: COVID-19 

      Álvarez, Jorgelina (Observatorio de Salud UMaza, 2020-06)
      Este Boletín de Salud N°38 emanado del Observatorio de Salud de la Universidad Juan Agustín Maza tiene como objeto la difusión y divulgación de temas concernientes a la pandemia COVID-19. Algunos temas que contiene son: RELEVAMIENTO DE OPINIÓN A EQUIPOS DE SALUD SOBRE LA CRISIS SANITARIA POR COVID-19 EN LA PROVINCIA DE MENDOZA; Horizonte de vacunas para COVID-19; Cronología del uso de la Hidroxicloroquina en Covid-19; Condiciones de las Infancias Pre- pandemia Covid-19; Informe sobre la Enfermería- 2020-Año Mundial de la Enfermería; Racismo, la otra pandemia; Inequidad de acceso en los cuidados ...
    • Boletín N°39 - Observatorio de Salud UMaza - Tema central: COVID-19 

      Álvarez, Jorgelina (Observatorio de Salud UMaza, 2020-10)
      Este Boletín de Salud N°39 emanado del Observatorio de Salud de la Universidad Juan Agustín Maza tiene como objeto la difusión y divulgación de temas concernientes a la pandemia COVID-19. Algunos temas que contiene son: - Aprobada la receta electrónica y la teleasistencia en Argentina; Transformación de la atención sanitaria en tiempos de pandemia; Marcado descenso en las tasas de vacunación en pandemia; La equidad durante la pandemia de Covid-19; Intervenciones conductuales, ambientales y sociales contra el Covid-19; Tratamientos farmacológicos para el Covid-19; -Plasma de convalecientes en ...
    • Buscando el equilibrio ocupacional en tiempos de pandemia 

      Lusarreta, María Sol (2020-05-28)
      El presente webinar fue dictado por la Licenciada María Sol de Lusarreta y organizada por el Vicerrectorado de Investigación, Extensión y Vinculación y la Facultad de Kinesiología y Fisioterapia de la UMaza- Sede Sur, en el marco de un ciclo de capacitaciones cuyo objetivo fue afrontar diferentes temas que emergieron de la situación de aislamiento obligatorio a causa de la pandemia declarada por COVID-19. Podés ver también este webinar en nuestro canal de Youtube:
    • Caracterización histológica e histoquímica de branquia, hígado y riñón de perca criolla ( Percichthys trucha, Valenciennes, 1833 ) para su uso en biomonitoreo ambiental 

      Palma Leotta, María Evangelina; Carili, Martina; Cáceres, Antonella Rosario Ramona (Comité editorial Acta microscópica, 2017-12)
      El objetivo de esta investigación fue realizar la descripción histológica de los principales órganos blanco de contaminantes ambientales en Percichthys trucha, pez nativo y ampliamente distribuido en ríos y lagos del sur de Argentina. Se capturaron sesenta especímenes adultos sanos de tamaño y peso similar, en Embalse El Nihuil, Mendoza, Argentina. Se describieron macroscópicamente las branquias, el hígado y el riñón y se fijaron en formalina neutra bufferada al 10% para su inclusión y tinción con hematoxilina eosina, ácido peryódico de Schiff (PAS), tricrómico de Masson y azul de Alcian. Se ...
    • Diet mixing and condensed tannins help explain foraging preferences by Creole goats facing the physical and chemical diversity of native woody plants in the central Monte desert (Argentina). 

      Egea, Angela Vanina; Allegretti, Liliana Inés; Paez Lama, Sebastián Antonio; Grilli, Diego Javier; Fucili, Mercedes; Guevara, Juan Carlos; Villalba, Juan josé (Comité editorial Animal Feed Science and Technology, 2016-02-26)
      The aim of this study was to understand the benefit of diet mixing for Creole goats grazingnative forage species in the central Monte desert of Argentina and the drivers of preferencein the mixed diet. To achieve this goal, cafeteria-style experiments were conducted withthirty female Creole goats (2 years old; 44 ± 1.4 kg) and forage species that are typicallyingested by goats in this region: Two tanniniferous (Tricomaria usillo, Mimosa ephedroides)and three non-tanniniferous shrubs (Prosopis flexuosa, Capparis atamisquea, Atriplex lampa).In Experiment 1, goats were assigned to three groups (n ...
    • Economía Internacional en Pandemia - Lic. José Vargas - Observatorio de Medios 

      Vargas, José (2020-06-30)
      El presente webinar fue dictado por José Vargas y organizado por Observatorio de Medios de la Universidad Juan Agustín Maza, en el marco de una exposición sobre la situación económica de la Argentina en el contexto mundial y teniendo en cuanta la pandemia del COVID-19. Podés ver también este webinar en nuestro canal de Youtube:
    • Educación y Brecha Digital - Dra. Javiera Atenas - Observatorio de Medios 

      Atenas, Javiera (2020-06-16)
      El presente webinar fue dictado por la Dra. Javiera Atenas y organizado por Observatorio de Medios de la Universidad Juan Agustín Maza, en el marco de una exposición sobre la Educación y la Brecha Digital en el contexto de la pandemia del COVID-19. Podés ver también este webinar en nuestro canal de Youtube:
    • Effect of progesterone and first evidence about allopregnanolone action on the progression of epithelial human ovarian cancer cell lines 

      Pelegrina, Laura Tatiana; Sanhuesa, María de los Ángeles; Cáceres, Antonella Rosario Ramona; Cuello Carrión, Dario; Rodríguez, Cristina Elisa; Laconi, Myriam Raquel (Comité editorial Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2020-02)
      Ovarian carcinoma is one of the most common cause of death by gynecologic cancer. Several epidemiological and in vitro studies have shown controversial data about progesterone effects in ovarian cancer. Progesterone can be converted in its active metabolite, allopregnanolone, its effects in ovarian cancer are still unknown. Previously, we demonstrated that allopregnanolone modifies ovarian morphophysiology, being able to alter critical process of tumor development such as proliferation, apoptosis and angiogenesis. Taking into account these antecedents, we investigated the effect of progesterone ...
    • Effect of the length of the suckling period and dietary energy intake in lactation on the duration of postpartum anestrus in Creole goats. 

      Paez Lama, Sebastián Antonio; Grilli, Diego; Egea, Vanina; Fucili, Mercedes; Allegretti, Liliana; Guevara, Juan Carlos; Jahn, Graciela Alma (Comité editorial Small Ruminant Research, 2016-04-16)
      The objective of this study was to determine the effect of the length of the suckling period and the dietary energy level on the duration of postpartum anestrus in Creole goats. Twenty-eight multiparous pregnant goats (bodyweight BW 39.9 ± 6.4 kg; mean ± SEM) each bearing a single fetus were used in a 2 suckling period (30 vs. 60 d) × 2 levels of energy intake (low (L) vs. high (H)) factorial design. Kids were separated from their dams 3 d after birth and then suckled twice per day until weaned at 30 or 60 d postpartum. Dams weaned at 30 d postpartum were hand milked for the next 30 d. Goats ...
    • Epidemiological link between canine monocytic ehrlichiosis caused by Ehrlichia canis and the presence of Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu stricto in Argentina 

      Sebastian, Patrick; Mera y Sierra, Roberto; Neira, Gisela; Hadid, Jaled; Flores, Fernando; Nava, Santiago (Parasitology Research Editorial, 2021-01-08)
      In this work, we analyze data that support an epidemiological link between cases of canine monocytic ehrlichiosis (CME) by Ehrlichia canis and the presence of Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu stricto as vector in an endemic area for this tick in Argentina. In a blood sample of a 1-year-old toy poodle with CME compatible clinical signs, which showed CME typical morulae in monocytes in Giemsa-stained blood smear, DNA of E. canis was detected by PCR. Further, DNA of E. canis was also detected in a female of R. sanguineus s.s. collected on the infected dog. Rhipicephalus sanguineus s.s. is the only ...
    • Erythrocyte micronucleus cytome assay of 17 wild bird species from the central Monte desert, Argentina. 

      Quero, Arnoldo Ängel Martín; Ferré, Daniela Marisol; Zarco, Agustín; Cuervo, Pablo Fernando; Gorla, Nora Bibiana María (Editorial Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016-09-29)
      Birds have the potential to be considered valuable bioindicators of the quality of ecosystems and the environmental impact of pollutants. The aims of this study were to determine the micronuclei frequency and other nuclear abnormalities in erythrocytes by analyzing a wild bird community from central Monte desert (Argentina) and to clarify if there were any differences among certain species. Frequencies of nuclear abnormalities were determined in 73 wild birds belonging to 17 species and two orders (Passeriformes and Columbiformes). A high proportion of individuals, 90.4 and 80.9 %, had erythrocytes ...
    • Evaluation of the genotoxic potential of cypermethrin, chlorpyrifos and their subsequent mixture, on cultured bovine lymphocytes 

      Ferré, Daniela Marisol; Ludueña, Héctor Ricardo; Romano, Raquel; Gorla, Nora Bibiana María (Comité editorial Chemosphere Journal, 2019-11-09)
      Cypermethrin (CYP) and chlorpyrifos (CPF) are insecticides/parasiticides used in the production of fruits, vegetables and beef cattle. These substances or their metabolites are frequently reported as residues in food, whose consumption in a diet implies a genotoxic risk. The potential for chronic toxicity of CYP and CPF is unclear, and only a few genotoxicological evaluations based on their mixture have been performed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the genotoxic potential of CYP, CPF and CYP þ CPF in five concentrations, from 5.9 to 175 mg/mL, on bovine lymphocytes. By means of the ...
    • In vivo assessment of closantel ovicidal activity in Fasciola hepatica eggs. 

      Solana, María Victoria; Mera y Sierra, Roberto; Scarcella, Silvana; Neira, Gisela; Solana, Hugo Daniel (Editorial Experimental Parasitology, 2016)
      Anthelmintic resistance in livestock parasites is currently a worldwide problem. Fasciola hepatica is a cosmopolitan parasite which causes considerable loss in sheep and cattle production systems all over the world. Chemotherapy is currently the main tool available for its control. The intensive use of triclabendazole, the drug of choice for more than 20 years, has resulted in the development of resistant strains. The therapeutic options are adulticides such as closantel (salicylanilide anthelmintic that binds extensively to plasma albumin) to treat chronic fascioliasis in sheep, and cattle. In ...
    • Lactancia Materna y uso de y uso de Leche Humana en el contexto de pandemia - COVID -19 

      Diaz, Jésica (2020-06-11)
      Este documento fue utilizado para el Webinar con el mismo nombre dictado por la autora y organizado por la Facultad de Ciencias de la Nutrición UMaza. En el informe se exponen las evidencias científicas y recomendaciones de organizaciones internacionales acerca de la relación entre lactancia materna, leche humana y COVID-19
    • Leishmaniasis in the Argentine Republic: Temporal and geographical distribution from 2013 to 2017 

      Germanó, María; Salomón, María; Neira, Gisela; Lozano, Esteban; Mackern- Oberti, Juan; Cargnelutti, Diego (Oficina Editorial de la Universidad Médica de Hainan, 2019)
      To assess the temporal and geographical distribution of confirmed cases of cutaneous, mucocutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis in the Argentine Republic from 2013 to 2017. Methods: A retrospective study was carried out using data collected from the Integrated Surveillance Bulletin database of the National System of Health Surveillance. Confirmed cases of cutaneous, mucocutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis up to the 52nd epidemiological week of each year was included. In the 5 years period, 1 295 confirmed leishmaniasis cases were reported in the Argentine Republic. One thousand twenty-eight (1 ...
    • Liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica) naturally infecting introduced European brown hare (Lepus europaeus) in northern Patagonia: phenotype, prevalence and potential risk 

      Cuervo, Pablo Fernando; Di Cataldo, Sophia; Fantozzi, María Cecilia; Deis, Erika; Diaz Isenrath, Gabriela; Viberti, Gabriela; Artigas, Patricio; Peixoto, Raquel; Valero, María Adela; Mera y Sierra, Roberto; Mas-Coma, Santiago (Comité editorial Acta Parasitologica, 2015-06-23)
      Fascioliasis has recently been included in the WHO list of Neglected Zoonotic Diseases. Besides being a major veterinary health problem, fascioliasis has large underdeveloping effects on the human communities affected. Though scarcely considered in fascioliasis epidemiology, it is well recognized that both native and introduced wildlife species may play a significant role as reservoirs of the disease. The objectives are to study the morphological characteristics of Fasciola hepatica adults and eggs in a population of Lepus europaeus, to assess liver fluke prevalence, and to analyze the potential ...
    • Periodismo, abordaje de la política internacional en contexto de pandemia - Lic. Augusto Grilli Fox - Observatorio de Medios 

      Grilli Fox, Augusto (2020-07-07)
      El presente webinar fue dictado por el Lic. Augusto Grilli Fox y organizado por Observatorio de Medios de la Universidad Juan Agustín Maza, en el marco de una exposición sobre el abordaje periodístico de la política internacional en el contexto de la pandemia del COVID-19. Podés ver también este webinar en nuestro canal de Youtube:
    • Plasma Cholinesterase Activity in Wild Birds from Undisturbed Woodlands in the Central Monte Desert 

      Quero, Arnoldo Ängel Martín; Zarco, Agustín; Landa, Florencia Belén; Gorla, Nora Bibiana María (2019-04-30)
      Plasma cholinesterase activity is a biomarker sensitive to the effect of organophosphate and carbamate pesticides, and its enzymatic levels have been previously unknown for most of the wild birds analyzed in the present study. Our objectives were to establish plasma acetylcholinesterase levels in songbirds of 2 undisturbed sites in the central Monte Desert (Argentina). We also examined the influence on cholinesterase activity of age, sex, body condition, feeding and migratory habits, and species. One hundred and sixty‐five wild birds belonging to 26 species were studied. The values obtained for ...
    • Potential risks of dietary exposure to chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin from their use in fruit/vegetable crops and beef cattle productions. 

      Ferré, Daniela Marisol; Quero, Arnoldo Ángel Martín; Hernández, Antonio Francisco; Hynes, Valentina; Tornello, Marcelo Javier; Lúders, Carlos; Gorla, Nora Bibiana María (Comité editorial Environ Monitoring and Assessment, 2018-04-18)
      The active ingredients (a.i.) used as pesticides vary across regions. Diet represents the main source of chronic exposure to these chemicals. The aim of this study was to look at the pesticides applied in fruit, vegetable, and beef cattle productions in Mendoza (Argentina), to identify those that were simultaneously used by the three production systems. Local individuals (n = 160), involved in these productions, were interviewed. Glyphosate was the a.i. most often used by fruit-vegetable producers, and ivermectin by beef cattle producers. Chlorpyrifos (CPF) and cypermethrin (CYP) were the only ...